So Quiet.

It has been a rollercoaster of highs and lows since the last post. OVER A YEAR AGO. We haven’t given up, life has provided some big challenges for us. We have all new machinery. New Routers, a new space to work in, new employees, you name it. At this time we are getting ready for… Continue reading So Quiet.

Weekend Update

Posted 11/13/2022. We been a little quiet. We know this. We have been making great strides but we wanted to keep things quiet until we were much closer. When we started this project 3 years ago (roughly), it started out as us wanting to create just a cool paint job. Now, we are close to… Continue reading Weekend Update


Posted 9/7/2022 We have secured a new local phone number. This will be for Sales, Service, and Warranty. Bruno Guitar Works @ 518-779-3050. Store this in your phone. Do it now. Did you do it yet?

Taking Care of Business

Posted 9/7/2022 We have been busy. Very busy. We had a major set back. We have so much to share but I don’t want to do this all at once. First things first. We made a major mistake in our shop set up. A few weeks ago we looked at each other and realized we… Continue reading Taking Care of Business

Bruno Guitar Works 2.0

Posted 8/11/22 While it is true we have been quiet as of late, we have been very busy working on improvements. Quality of life at the shop, quality of machinery, quality of materials. All things quality are being addressed. A big and difficult decision, we decided to part ways with our 2 machines that we… Continue reading Bruno Guitar Works 2.0


Posted 7/14/2022 So, there is this disease that has been around for a long time. Many of us refer to it as G.A.S. Say it with me now (I can hear people repeating this like someone at an AA meeting). “Gear Acquisition Syndrome”. Most of us in this community has had this when it comes… Continue reading B.G.S.

Still Deciding? Peach Ice Tea. You’re Gonna Hate it.

Posted 7/8/2022 We have been busy. Very busy. Extremely Busy. We have been testing, Reconfiguring, Scraping and Rebuilding. These are reasons why we are quiet. We have an incredible person behind us. I am not going to mention this incredibly successful individual who is incredibly kind, giving and encouraging to our project and makes things… Continue reading Still Deciding? Peach Ice Tea. You’re Gonna Hate it.