Bruno Guitar Works 2.0

Posted 8/11/22

While it is true we have been quiet as of late, we have been very busy working on improvements. Quality of life at the shop, quality of machinery, quality of materials. All things quality are being addressed.

A big and difficult decision, we decided to part ways with our 2 machines that we have been working with almost from the start. We have parted ways with Stepcraft. Although we love the staff and think the product is a valiant effort on the companies part, it will not be efficient for what we are doing.

As of Sunday, we have our first Laguna. We feel extremely confident as well as excited. We believe that we can create instruments with less time and far more accurate. Friday will be our first actual test.

All the files will carry over for us thanks to V-Carve pro.

Stay tuned for more updates.

This Friday I have a meeting with our potential 4th Hire which is a big name in the business.

A big thanks to Josh and Lucas “Andre from Outcast 3000” Pavone for the heavy lifting over the weekend.

Onward and Upward

B to the G